Core 21 is excited to partner with SPARC!

SPARC is an organization designed to strengthen after school programs.


Project Zip Code 76105

Together, the Fort Worth SPARC Organization and Core 21 were able to provide an online hands-on inquiry based science program for eligible students in Zip Code 76105!

The program was designed for students in grades 3-6.

This integrated teaching model can be customized for any grade level.


Students Experiences

Students in Grades 3 - 5 received 3 hours per day of undivided attention from Core 21 specially trained teachers in zip code 76105, Fort Worth Texas.

Science content was used to engage students for the purpose of increasing students’ knowledge, reading and writing skills. Science materials were delivered directly to the students in their homes so they could fully engage with the inquiry learning model.

Teacher’s Comments

I learned to re-examine how I approach online instruction, and that I need to consider online-specific best practices, such as modeling for students how/when to use the camera/mic. Also making it student-centric to keep engagement high while building in accountability pieces, like journaling or oral responses.

I learned how to adapt an in person unit to an online one using technology and hands on learning.

I learned how to make the same connections with my students online as I do in person.

The training really helped with science this year. We scored 10th in the district for science STAAR.

Parents Said

My children really enjoyed the experiments.

The best part was that he learned to ask questions that he did not know, and I liked that he was put to thinking.

During the deep freeze in Texas schools were closed for over a week. At the request of her child a parent let him walk to school to see if his science program was going to be in session after school. He didn’t want to miss it.

SPARC advocates for students and teachers 12 months a year.

The goal is to provide quality programs for students and quality teacher training for staff who give their time generously to do this.

SPARC “energizes and strengthens “ programs because of the generosity of our funding sources that include The Wallace Foundation, Sid Richardson Foundation, Amon Carter Foundation, The Ryan Foundation, The Molyneaux Foundation and individual donors.


Rural Girls Shine in Science